18 months since the last posted article. Firstly we have been slack and secondly the site went down due to being hacked. This needed some time to repair and direct access to the server. Donna did write an installment 12 months ago but this was lost when the the site […]
Wintering over at Tauranga Bay Motor camp was a great decision. We have completed two months and have extended the stay for another month. It is a great place to forget about the rest of New Zealand with the politics, Wuhan Flu and apparent separatist agenda being created. To live […]
The end of a horrific year for the world but life goes on and while they are selling alcohol I am all right Jack. The year started with us sitting in Havelock North waiting for registration on Dogonit. We finally got registration for Dogonit in February signalling the beginning of […]
Since Donna’s post on the 2nd of December there has been a lot of wind pass over the top of Dogonit. We note even the seagulls walk in Wellington and a sunny day seems to comprise of 10 minutes of sun peeking through the clouds. Between the threat of a […]
We left Havelock North on Thursday 12th of November with heavy hearts as we knew we would not possibly pass this way again on this two year odyssey. We have made some awesome friends and will miss them. We headed for Danevirke Golf Course to stay for a few days. […]
Miranda Hot Springs in the dog park for a couple of days was quite the experience. Mac and Rose enjoyed the larger pen and having water and power made the stay all the better. The first night we wandered off to the hot pools at 7:30 pm and really felt […]
Another week at Long Bay Coromandel and it still feels like yesterday that we started the journey. At the pace we have set in this early stage to travel New Zealand we may not finish. The journey to date has had all the trappings of being on the road yet […]
We departed Pukekoe AMP show grounds yesterday with no fuss and some trepidation as we were heading up the Coromandel west coast road. Before commencing the diatribe of the trip I/we would like to express that the AMP showgrounds at Pukekoe would be one of the top spots to stay. […]
What a difference a week makes to lives. We had hoped for a little window of opportunity to run away before the big lockdown at level 4. There were several obstacles in our path; waiting for our new specs to arrive, Rod having his post-cancer go-pro and I was due […]
The list of work to complete prior to getting back on the road is slowly but surely being whittled down. We have set a tentative date of the 6th of April to depart and begin our journey. That is as long as Tinker Bell alias “Cindy” does not put the […]