The end of a horrific year for the world but life goes on and while they are selling alcohol I am all right Jack. The year started with us sitting in Havelock North waiting for registration on Dogonit. We finally got registration for Dogonit in February signalling the beginning of […]
Yearly archives: 2020
We have moved on from Friendly Feilding meandering towards Whangaui as we focus on the ‘Naki for the next however long (coddiwompling remember?) We have both spend time in Whanganui as kids and have not visited since we were first married and living in Waiouru in the ’70s so it […]
Since Donna’s post on the 2nd of December there has been a lot of wind pass over the top of Dogonit. We note even the seagulls walk in Wellington and a sunny day seems to comprise of 10 minutes of sun peeking through the clouds. Between the threat of a […]
So lots to tell you since we were last in Rivendell with lots of wabbity wuns through the park but no confirmed kills yet. There were even two buck hares fighting right outside Dogonit but although Mac and Rose gave it their best shot, instead of both of them focusing […]
We left Havelock North on Thursday 12th of November with heavy hearts as we knew we would not possibly pass this way again on this two year odyssey. We have made some awesome friends and will miss them. We headed for Danevirke Golf Course to stay for a few days. […]
We moved to NZMCA Erickson in Napier and spent a week settled in on the metal parking area as we were not certain how solid the grassed area was (we had experienced slipping in our last RV). It didn’t take us long to set up home and ready to enjoy […]
It seems a lot longer than the start of the month since we las posted on Dogonit but when I check it has really only been a just over a couple of week. We have moved on since our last post; an uneventful journey towards the Hawkes Bay. We had […]
It seems we are destined to use Pukekohe as a maintenance/rebuilding destination….sigh. We spread our wings on release from lockdown and headed to Taupo as soon as the doors to the rest of the world were opened, as excited as bees on a honey hunt in summer. Rather than meandering […]
A quieter week this week here in Pukekohe; we are staying until we do our COF early August, then the current plan is to head towards Lake Karapiro but this could potentially change as we are coddiwompling, so meandering our way towards a vague destination. All is well; Mac and […]
Miranda Hot Springs in the dog park for a couple of days was quite the experience. Mac and Rose enjoyed the larger pen and having water and power made the stay all the better. The first night we wandered off to the hot pools at 7:30 pm and really felt […]