Having arrived in Porangahau we settled back to relax and watched a movie before we had an evening walk on the beach and enjoyed a Thai Chicken curry for dinner.
Our sleep was intermittent due to the wind and this morning and I MEAN early; we were woken by a low-flying chopper hovering over us and landing (we think) in the golf course behind. We initially waited for Bo or Stu to arrive thinking they have utilised a chopper to visit for an early morning fish but no-one arrived so we remain ignorant as to why they landed at all………..it might have been the wind (no warm breeze; more like a gale).
Rod took MacRose for a long early morning walk so I could change the sheets etc. and introduced the puppies to ‘Seal’ who came ashore for a song – not sure who he/she was calling (maybe the errant boyfriend OR child).
Rod attempted to put the kite out for a fish but the wind was also errant and gusted well above 20 knots so it made it difficult to set. I did my house-wifely chores; cleaning toilet/hand-basin/shower etc and changed the sheets then took the puppies down to the beach. I could hear a few colourful words when I brought MacRose down so took them further up the beach so they were not introduced to swearing at their tender age.
Fishing attempt over we packed up and travelled to Waipukarai to find a Mitre 10 and a supermarket. We then moved on to Takapau to a proper camp ground that has power/WSS/laundry/shower etc. where we will spend two days to do minor repairs ( water spurting after Acacia motors put in hot/cold shower – maybe a air leak) and some more housework lol.
Everyone is settled in for the evening waiting to enjoy roasted chicken/potatoes/peas/carrots…..yum!! Enjoy your evening all!!!
3 thoughts on “Destination – Takapau”
Water looks good , probably not to many fish around with seals around but nice seeing them
Yeah Wade……thinking that makes sense & it is lovely to see the wildlife too
Roast chicken sounds great even tho the lack of sleep would not have been appreciated. Love getting your updates straight to my phone-in and Rod. And thanks Donna too for the great writing, very entertaining.