I returned from a quick trip to Auckland. Lots to do, people to see, tasks to complete, however thanks to friends I came back having achieved most of them. A big thank you to all!!!! I had the utmost pleasure in meeting Wade David Te Awa Ashton which proved the […]
Monthly archives: January 2020
We were visited last weekend by our fellow travelers the Cooksley’s – We ate far too much. Pork-belly on Saturday night followed by an excellent meal on Sunday of snapper, venison sausage and superbly cooked venison steak. Survived the over indulgence with only a mild attack of gout on one […]
Well another week has passed living on our big beast and we have reached another milestone; the self-containment certificate has been issued both for the truck and Dogonit. The NZMCA certifier thought it prudent to check out the truck which is used to transport fresh and waste water to/from the […]
Its been 15 months since Dogonit has published a blog but we have been busy changing our mode of transport/accommodation which has been a long drawn out process of which has seen the requirement to drink severe quantities of alcohol to stay sane. We are coming to the end of […]